LEOLAIA; an other gem, i will not comment now on this latest expos'e of yours. But I will thank you , for many things I learned (and used from your posts) over the years. I will admit lots of times when I talk about rutherFRAUD and his antics with a jw. I will make up a date and page that it was printed in the golden age or craptower.( b/c i can't remember all this junk) and will challange the jw to prove me wrong. But I've learned over the years 99% of jw's will NEVER LOOK UP any thing. The point being made is I have so much wt crap in my head no jw i talk to can handle , that what ever they were teaching in 1933 was proper spritual food at the proper time/ or from jehovah's table of truth... they just can't answer TRUTHFULLY, reason being they never read any of these old wt books they proclaim to be fact. and I hold them to POINT that they have no ieda what the hell the wt was preaching at the time. sounds stupid but it works every time. john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
WTBTS Official Testified in the US Congress that Rutherford is Inspired
by Leolaia inmr. goux.
mr. goux.
mr. goux.
To the jw-like mods who run this place
by Satanus inscully isn't like that, though.
besides, she's kinda cute.
ozziepost is cute to, but he's a bit on the serious side.. s, awaiting his lashing, in the b-school..
johnny cip
I stopped posting, my true stories about how I twist jw's into KNOTS any time I talk to any of them. just this week 3 sisters seen me pull into the coffee shop . and JAYWALKED ( ALMOST GETTING HIT) across 6 lane of blvd. busy traffic . just at the site of my car. But i know the MODS. here do a good job. and have restricted my posts and topics. maybe because I'm just too honest, or a hot head apostate.? I know i call jw's Nazi's ,Zombies, and other names befitting thier actions. But there is not one person here that can say in their heart. That can say I'm not effective face to face with any jw. that's my style and it works every time. why? because i have the accurate knowledge to MELT any jw in 10 minutes. But my candor is not well liked here, so i will not tell my stories to help others here b/c i may run out of posts before i get to the good parts. TY JOHN THE WT EXPOSER
A watchtower charity, and possible current UN connection
by candidlynuts inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/14683/1.ashx.
the thread above is from 2001. quoted from blondies post in the link above.. aidafrique association .
aidafrique is a caritative association used by the witnesses of jehovah.
johnny cip
this is a very IMPORTANT TOPIC. and yes the wt is still in the UNITED NATIONS. JUST UNDER A DIFFERENT NAMES. like africacare, european union of jw's etc. if memory serves me right. the wt pulled this stunt while the french gov't was trying to tax jw's in france. the wt BRANCH IN PORTUCAL(SP) is a part of the U.N. ngo.. they were just at the U.N. NGO CONFRENCE about a year ago. don't let anyone tell you the wts in not still in the U.N. all the info is right here on jwd. happy hunting on this very important topic.
by DannyHaszard inparents don't get a moral pass.
toronto star, canada - 3. even the discovery that their parents were devout jehovah's witnesses and is there any other kind of watchtower congregant?
raised only faint alarm ... rosie [email protected] the author.
johnny cip
nice find danny on the sept 12 2007 article, on how the court shot down Shane brady and his a$$hole mentor. wts in house lawyer David Gwam. the correct punishment for these two lying bastard wt zombies would be to bleed them to death using leeches nice and slow. john
Recording of my call to Brooklyn Service Desk...
by deaconbluez inin what i'm hoping to do as a series for the benefit of all who want to know the truth behind the organization, here is a recorded phone call that i made about an hour ago.
it is unedited, therefore you will notice the long gaps when the guy starts searching for an answer to my question.
enjoy.... http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=fd70a73d1403ef59.
johnny cip
this guy at the service desk is falling apart. he's out gunned just by the question about 607 you can tell by his voice. the first thing he went for was " mail us a letter" deconbluz is holding him to the question. and this GUY AT THE WT HEADQUARTERS IS STUMPED like the dope that he is. isn't this the MIGHTY WT SERVICE DESK? that tower of truth, you call and ask a simple question on wts doctrine. and the MIGHTY SERVICE DESK has not much to say. all this DOPE IS WORRIED ABOUT IS IF deconbluz talked to any jw's about the topic. Unless my pc is not working correctly, this zombie from the MIGHTY SERVICE DESK DIRECTED BY JEHOVAH HIM SELF. Hasn't had a single word to say about 607 b.c. put him on hold after 5 minutes of saying not a word. this is a Joke is that kingdom melodies i'm listening to. no sounds like western movie music. maybe the radio has aq better answer. I'm checking with an other WT ZOMBIE. AND YOUR QUESTION IS TO HARD. PLEASE WRITE US A LETTER. nice call but i would never have let that guy off the hook. i would have embarrassed tha crap out of him... john
Watchtower articles on Muslim religion? Are they afraid to speak out?
by Terry incan anybody quote any articles which speak out against the radical muslim terrorists?.
the watchtower made its reputation in the 1900's slamming catholicism and christendom.
surely you'd expect them to lash out against the muslim extremes.. or, are they afraid to do so?.
johnny cip
the wts has written a hand full of articles in the last 30 years very much against Islam. In fact some of them were talked about right here a few years ago. after 9-11 these articles were brought up. There is a muslim site just about the jw's, and i'm sure he has wt articles on his site. i lost all my files into cyberspace. but will look around and see if i can find them. john
Disturbing news on the deaths of the 5 elders
by TooBad TooSad ini have been following the news reports of the death of the 5 elders from tennesse that died.
in the plane crash.
several things really bother me.
johnny cip
Mary said, about me: jc, you're an asshole of the first order and it's nutcases like YOU that give apostates bad names. Thank you Mary, i'M sorry your didn't understand what I was trying to point out to my JW DAD, MAYBE if i said something like ie. one of the elders was a child molester. you would of figured it out? The fact OF it is this APOSTATE (SO CALLED NUT CASES) like me , that can handle a half a dozen jw elders/bethelites all by my self, and make all of them look like SPRITUAL DRUNKARDS IN 15 minutes. and if the topic i bring up is that many of these elders are WOMEN WHORES? THAT i know about PERSONALLY. AND THAT SOME OF THESES ELDER WHORES WHO THE WTS SAYS WERE APPOINTED BY THE HOLY SPRIT. ARE NOTHING BUT PIECES OF $HIT. And i can drag few C.O'S and bethelites and maybe some BUILDING PPL FROM KINGDOM SERVICES INTO THE ARGUEMENT. AND SHOW THE WTS IS FULL OF CRAP using my knowledge of the wts and the local jw's in know. then I guess your right I'm just a ASSHOLE OF THE FIRST ORDER. even though i enjoy your posts. i guess you will never reach the level of EXPOSING THE WTS as I have . best wishes , John the WT EXPOSER p>s> LET me put it this way; out of all the years me being here on JWD. out of all the 10,000's of stories. of active/faded jw's getting kicked the living $hit out of by jw family etc. I only see less than 100 or so posters out of 1000's that have any idea how to deal with jw's. i only give my experences and if i help one person here i've done my job. I coulde care less what some here think of me. most of them that cry about me. will never have my NERVE, OR KNOWLEDGE... TAKE THAT TO THE BANK . JOHN
5 Tennessee Elders die in plane crash
by Nathan Natas insee: http://www.timesnews.net/article.php?id=9002813 (kingsport, tn).
ministers from 5 east tennessee jehovah's witness congregations aboard plane.
published 09/02/2007 by jeff bobo .
johnny cip
Mary said, about me: jc, you're an asshole of the first order and it's nutcases like YOU that give apostates bad names. Thank you Mary, i'M sorry your didn't understand what I was trying to point out to my JW DAD, MAYBE if i said something like ie. one of the elders was a child molester. you would of figured it out? The fact OF it is this APOSTATE (SO CALLED NUT CASES) like me , that can handle a half a dozen jw elders/bethelites all by my self, and make all of them look like SPRITUAL DRUNKARDS IN 15 minutes. and if the topic i bring up is that many of these elders are WOMEN WHORES? THAT i know about PERSONALLY. AND THAT SOME OF THESES ELDER WHORES WHO THE WTS SAYS WERE APPOINTED BY THE HOLY SPRIT. ARE NOTHING BUT PIECES OF $HIT. And i can drag few C.O'S and bethelites and maybe some BUILDING PPL FROM KINGDOM SERVICES INTO THE ARGUEMENT. AND SHOW THE WTS IS FULL OF CRAP using my knowledge of the wts and the local jw's in know. then I guess your right I'm just a ASSHOLE OF THE FIRST ORDER. even though i enjoy your posts. i guess you will never reach the level of EXPOSING THE WTS as I have . best wishes , John the WT EXPOSER p>s> LET me put it this way; out of all the years me being here on JWD. out of all the 10,000's of stories. of active/faded jw's getting kicked the living $hit out of by jw family etc. I only see less than 100 or so posters out of 1000's that have any idea how to deal with jw's. i only give my experences and if i help one person here i've done my job. I coulde care less what some here think of me. most of them that cry about me. will never have my NERVE, OR KNOWLEDGE... TAKE THAT TO THE BANK . JOHN
Encounter with JW neighbours # 2
by winnie inas i posted in a previous thread, we moved about 5 weeks ago into a house next door to a local elders family (who also happen to be related to us through marriage).. the elders wife (i'll call her mrs m), decided to weed her garden when we went out this morning.
but we were only gone for 20 minutes.
to weed a part of her garden, she has to come into our front yard to reach it, which she was doing when we came home.
johnny cip
wINNIE: your husband is a smart man. As i've been posting here for years. EMBARRASS, PUT JW'S IN THIER PLACE . any time they act like A-HOLES, don't wait till next time. and go home ( saying why did i let these dopes wreck my day) . expose THE dUB'S for the pieces of crap they are. $hit on their parade before the $hit on yours. Who in the hell is your jw neighbour to come on your side of the fence? and then be R.U.D.E. about it? i would tell her your going to call the police, if you ever catch your ZOMBIE butt, again on your side. Tell her if she want's to pull WEEDS , she should start with the dopes at her hall. I would show NO QUARTER. JUST AS YOUR HUSBASND DID. Now this post may be deleted. b/c many crybabies here don't like honest tales about how to handle DUB'S. sorry i live 10,000 miles from you . or I would come over and shake you man's hand. and then go knock you your jw's neighbour's door. and give her a BIBLE LESSON she would never forget. JOHN THE WT EXPOSER
Names of 5 dead Tennessee elders released
by Nathan Natas insee: http://www.ajc.com/news/content/news/stories/2007/09/04/newcrash_0904.html.
faa probes plane crash killing 5 jehovah's witness ministers.
by associated press.
johnny cip
I know how much I'm hated on this site for my candor. but i got extra frequent flier miles with my jw dad from this sad event. just by asking him WERE THE HELL WAS JEHOVAH, YOU CAN'T TELL ME THEY WEREN'T DOING JEHOVAH'S WORK HERE? and gave him some details. and asked maybe they had whores on board? I asked doesn't it allways say in the WATCHDOG MAG'S HOW jehovah protects his true followers to expand KINGDUM INTERESTS? WHAT IN JOE-HOOVERS NAME HAPPENED HERE.? well this story and my telling my dad about some child molester cases the wt has lost in the last few months. and all of a sudden after not talking to me for months, he in the last few weeks invites me for lunch, coffee, and just calling me on the phone to talk with me the WILD AND CRAZY APOSTATE. my dad knows i can't control my self, and will tell him the latest dirt about the borg. but he was upset today when I told him i'm too busy at work to have lunch with him. and trust me he knows what he's going to hear from me. but he wanted to here a flaming APOSTATE AT WORK. i loved about 3 years ago dad and me were having lunch and some snot nosed jw came into the rest. and sat down with us. I started tearing this guy to shreads, and my dad told this jw " you picked the wrong person to argue the TRUTH with" I was proud my dad stuck up for me < even in a roundabout way> i've learned to use these stories to my advantage with jw's. no matter how sad they are. BTW I had a big weekend in field service. but will not tell the stories here till the MODS. REMOVE MY RESTRICTIONS FROM STARTING TOPICS. JOHN THE WT EXPOSER